Generic processor (GPROC2)
Generic processors (GPROC2s) are used throughout the Motorola BSS as a generic
control processor.
The following factors for GPROC2s at the RXCDR should be considered when planning
the GPROC2 complement
Each shelf requires at least one GPROC2; plus one for redundancy.
A maximum of two GPROC2s per shelf are supported.
In a transcoder, the older GPROCs may be used if the maximum number of
BSCs connected to it is five or less. For higher connectivity (up to ten BSCs),
GPROC2s must be used.
GPROC planning actions
An RXCDR should have
One BSP GPROC2 per shelf
One BSP GPROC2 for redundancy.
One optional CSFP.
The factors described in the planning considerations section should be taken into
account in this planning.
control processor.
The following factors for GPROC2s at the RXCDR should be considered when planning
the GPROC2 complement
Each shelf requires at least one GPROC2; plus one for redundancy.
A maximum of two GPROC2s per shelf are supported.
In a transcoder, the older GPROCs may be used if the maximum number of
BSCs connected to it is five or less. For higher connectivity (up to ten BSCs),
GPROC2s must be used.
GPROC planning actions
An RXCDR should have
One BSP GPROC2 per shelf
One BSP GPROC2 for redundancy.
One optional CSFP.
The factors described in the planning considerations section should be taken into
account in this planning.
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